Elections to the European Parliament 2019 - Number of Voters

A szavazás napja: 2019. May 26.
Frissítve: 2019. July 21., 22:00:00

Number of people with voting rights

Current number of people with voting rights:
8 008 353 voters
Number of voters in domestic polling districts:
7 872 737 voters
Number of voters therefrom who changed polling districts:
97 618 voters
Number of voters at foreign representations:
20 291 voters
Number of postal voters:
115 325 voters
Hungarian citizens with Hungarian address:
7 889 638 voters
Hungarian citizens without Hungarian address:
115 325 voters
Citizens of other EU Member States:
3 390 voters
Number of people with voting rights at calling of election:
8 036 482 voters
Hungarian citizens with Hungarian address:
7 922 421 voters
Hungarian citizens without Hungarian address:
112 065 voters
Citizens of other EU Member States:
1 996 voters