Updated: 2010.05.11. 12:09:15 Round 2
of the Parliamentary Election of 2010
April 25, 2010

Aggregated Data of Election

Number of voters

Number of voters in the register at closing Number of voters
included in
the register using election
certificate on the
day of voting
Number of voters
in the register
at the end of voting
Number of voters
in the foreign representations
Total number of voters in the register
2 475 572 7 654 2 483 226 2 885 2 486 111

Turnout numbers

Number of those turned
out to vote in the domestic polling stations
Number of statements about voting Total number of those turned out to vote Proportion of those turned out to vote
1 158 665 1 452 1 160 117 46,66 %

Single member Constituencies  
Total single m.
57 57 0 0